
2022-02-27: Added new assignment and job requirement fields to `jobs`

  • Service providers listed in the assigned_providers array now include fields for phone and assignment_method which can be either manually_assigned, auto_assigned, or accepted_job_offer
  • Adds unable_to_auto_assign boolean
  • Adds job_offer object:
job_offer": {
  "enabled": true,
  "status": "closed",
  "notified_of_offer": 1,
  "viewed_offer": 2,
  "accepted_offer": 1
  • In the invoice section, new fields for coupons or discounts will appear if discounts or coupons are applied:
  "coupon":  {
       "type": "fixed_amount",
       "value": "20.00",
       "coupon_code": "dcar20off",
       "coupon_id": "1594357917655x549316065721319400"
  • New rating field for viewing customer feedback:
"rating":  {
       "rating": 5,
       "comments": "Amazing job! Thank you so much",
       "created": "2022-02-27T20:34:05.360Z",
       "id": "1645994045357x564952062624459970"